請問以下句子, grammar有冇錯呢?

2006-11-20 8:38 am
A new quotation and order form will deliver to you next week.

He hypothesized that the truck was not working because of a broken of air filter.

We urge you to cease and desist from production of incomprehensible contracts.

To apply for group reallocation, applications must be received by 19 December.

Enclosed herewith please find the latest catalog and the price list that you required.

We are pleased to announce that you have selected to join our internship programme.

回答 (4)

2006-11-20 5:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A new quotation and order form (will deliver // will be delivered) to you next week.
因為quotation和order form都不可以親自送遞,所以動詞要用被動式。

He hypothesized that the truck was not working because of a broken air filter.
沒問題。有幾個回答者都說要把a broken air filter改寫成the broken air filter,我不認同,因為句子是說車的哪部份壞了,不是去指定某一個air filter。

We urge you to cease (and desist // --) (+the) production of incomprehensible contracts.
Desist 的意思跟cease類同,所以無需要連寫兩個意思相近的動詞。

To apply for group reallocation, (application must be received // you must send your applications ) by 19 December.
因為前句是to apply,所以後句一定要用一個可以作為to apply主語的名詞作開啟。

Enclosed (herewith // --) please find the latest catalog and the price list that you required.
Enclosed 跟 herewith 同意,所以不用重寫。

We are pleased to announce that you have (+been) selected to join our internship programme.
2006-11-20 9:09 am
A new quotation and order form will be delivered to you next week.
是"被" delivered 的所以要 +be

He hypothesized that the truck was not working because of the broken air filter.
用the不用a, 因為指明是那truck中的那個 broken air filter
broken 已是adjective 損壞的

We urge you to cease and desist from producting incomprehensible contracts.
用法應是 desist from (v+ing)
To apply for group reallocation, applications must be received by 19 December.

Enclosed please find the latest catalog and the price list that you requested.
用 required 有點不通順, 你可因應意思選 needed / requested
刪去 herewith 的原因是好像有點"累聚", 可以的話花幾分鐘看看 :)

We are pleased to announce that you have been selected to join our internship programme.
是"被"selected 出來所以要 +been
intership programme 可改成 intern programme, 但keep回原本的也沒有問題

2006-11-20 10:22:49 補充:
(TYPO) producting should be PRODUCING
2006-11-20 8:58 am
A new quotation and order form will be delivered to you next week.

He hypothesized that the truck was not working because of a broken air filter.

We urge you to cease and desist from producing incomprehensible contracts.

To apply for group reallocation, applications must be received by the date of 19 December.

Enclosed herewith the latest catalog and price list that you required.

We are pleased to announce that you have been selected to join our internship programme.
2006-11-20 8:46 am
Should be:

A new quotation and order form will BE deliverED to you next week.

He hypothesized tat the truck was not working becuase of THE BROKEN AIR FILTER.

We urge you to cease and desist from THE production of THE incomprehnsible contacts.

To apply for THE group reallocation, applications must be sent out by xxxxx .
(the subject of this sentence has switched!)

Enclosed please find the latest catalogUE and the price list per your request.

We are pleased to announce that you have BEEN selected to join our internship programme.

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