need for speed most wanted

2006-11-20 6:35 am
need for speed most wanted, x5 condition 里程碑已達成, 但無法逃脫, 功虧一簣 , 有咩方法可win??有無秘技, 對付corvette police car , 用咩車最好

回答 (2)

2006-11-24 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用Aston Martin DB9 la !
試下Hide在一D Hiding Place裏面

2006-11-24 10:05:58 補充:
When you're in cooldown (meaning you broke line of sight with the pursuing cops), hiding spots appear in your minimap. Pull into one to speed up the cooldown period.
2006-11-20 9:46 pm
Ford Mustng GT,Ford GT,Corvette C' 6。最好Lamborghini Murcielago。你有沒有用 Starts 裹的 X 來今Enge 強化。


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