group project??

2006-11-20 6:22 am
我想講一組人做o既project, 叫 乜野project??
group project 好似唔oo岩, 兩個都係noun

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
一組人做的project 英文是什麼? 不錯就是 group project。兩個字都是 noun, 并無不可, 這是英語語法中的 compound noun ( 複合名詞 )。複合詞由兩個或兩個以上的單字組成, 而此等詞類可以寫成一個字 (one word) 或多於一個字 (separate words)。以 group project 為例, group 是 noun, project 也是 noun, 合成一個 compound noun, 解 project done by a number of people working together。其他含group字的 compound noun 有 group practice 聯合醫療 (由多個醫生共同在一診所開業診病, 本港現在相當流行)、group therapy 集體心理治療 (Longman Dict.of Contemporary English)。
Compound noun 的例子其實多不勝數, 有些我們更是非常熟悉, 只是沒有留意其詞性罷了, 例如 cake shop 餅店、mortgage loan 按揭貸款、computer software 電腦軟件、paper money 紙幣、police station 警署、school uniform 校服, 等等。
構成上述所有的複合名詞的單字都是 noun。Group project 的 group字, 詞性仍舊屬 noun, 只是理解上可作為形容 project 吧。
2006-11-20 7:29 am
"group project" is correct.
in this case, "group" is an adjective, "project" is the noun.

another example:
normally, "family" is a noun. (I like my family.)
but in "family gathering", "family" becomes the adjective.

2006-11-19 23:30:26 補充:
group project is correcti don't know why there are all the &quot up there... sorry

2006-11-19 23:31:10 補充:
group in this case is an adjectiveit modifies projecte.g. family gatheringfamily is an adjective in this case, not a nounit modifies the noun gathering

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