
2006-11-20 5:53 am
What are the characteristics of totaliterianism ? Please explain in English!Special characeristics not in History Textbook!

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2006-11-20 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Totoalitarian regimes are sometimes identified with a "six-point syndrome'(Friedrich and Brzezinski,1963)
1) an official ideology
2) a one-party-state, usually led by an all-powerful leader
3)a system of terroristic policing
4)a monopoly of the means of mass communication
5)a monopoly of the means of armed combat
6) state control of all aspects of economic life
Also, there're 2 unique characteristics of totalitarianism
1) seeks total power through the politicization of every aspect of social and personal existence
2) outright abolition of civil society: abolition of the private
參考: Politics by Andrew Heywood

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