What macro factors affect the scientific level of a country?

2006-11-20 4:29 am
What macro factors affect the scientific level of a country?

回答 (1)

2006-11-22 10:01 am
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A basic understanding of science and technology has become indispensable for anyone living in a developed country, whether in an urban or rural area, because technology – a product of science – has become an important part of peoples' lives. Science education aims at increasing common knowledge about science and widening social awareness. The process of learning science begins early in life for many people; school students start learning about science as soon as they acquire basic language skills, and science is always an essential part of curriculum. Science education is also a very vibrant field of study and research. Learning science requires learning its language, which often differs from colloquial language. For example, the terminology of the physical sciences is rich in mathematical jargon, and that of biological studies is rich in Latin names. The language used to communicate science is rich in words pertaining to concepts, phenomena, and processes, which are initially alien to children.

Due to the growing economic value of technology and industrial research, the economy of any modern country depends on its state of science and technology. The governments of most developed and developing countries therefore dedicate a significant portion of their annual budget to scientific and technological research. Many countries have an official science policy, and many undertake large-scale scientific projects—so-called "big science". The practice of science by scientists has undergone remarkable changes in the past few centuries. Most scientific research is currently funded by government or corporate bodies. These relatively recent economic factors appear to increase the incentive for some to engage in fraud in reporting the results of scientific research often termed scientific misconduct. Occasional instances of verified scientific misconduct, however, are by no means solely modern occurrences. In the United States, some have argued that with the politicization of science, funding for scientific research has suffered.

Science has become so pervasive in modern societies that it is generally considered necessary to communicate the achievements, news, and dreams of scientists to a wider populace. This need is fulfilled by an enormous range of scientific literature. While scientific journals communicate and document the results of research carried out in universities and various other institutions, science magazines cater to the needs of a wider readership. Additionally, science books and magazines on science fiction ignite the interest of many more people. A significant fraction of literature in science is also available on the World Wide Web; most reputable journals and newsmagazines maintain their own websites. A growing number of people are being attracted towards the vocation of science popularization and science journalism.
參考: United States Science Initiative. Selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:18:04
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