
2006-11-20 1:01 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-24 5:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
若頭25米不換氣, 之後你是否要兩下手換一次氣?
如是, 便是換氣動作和體能有問題, 引至速度減慢, 由於你12月要比賽, 現在要更正換氣動作可能不夠時間, 建議你把換氣次數平均分配, 即如能每10下手換一次氣游畢全程, 那便用10下手換一次氣, 不要頭25米不換氣, 之後下下換氣.
如不是, 你還可以10下手換一次氣, 那便只是體能問題.

蝶腳是由蝶腰帶動, 簡單說像海豚游泳的動作, 跳落水後做三四下蝶腳可加快上水速度, 但不建議踢太多下, 因為速度始終比自由泳慢, 若動作做得不對, 更會減慢速度
2006-11-22 1:34 am
actually,everytime you 換氣,you will be slower.so in the olympic swimmer,they only 換氣 2 or 3 times so they are more faster.

here are some information(hope that i can help you out!=]]])

The BUTTERFLY is the second fastest style after the front crawl, and is the fastest style regulated by FINA.

Swimming the arms or the legs separately is difficult, and correct body movement is crucial for the arms and legs to use their full potential. The body moves in a wave-like fashion, controlled by the arm movement. As the hands go in, the hips go up, and the posterior breaks the water surface. During the push phase the head goes up and the hips are at their lowest position. In this style, the second pulse in the cycle is stronger than the first pulse, as the second pulse is more in flow with the body movement.
here are the informations of freestyle(hope that i can help you)

Normally, the face is in the water during front crawl, with the waterline approximately at the height of the eyes. Yet, currently, many are debating whether the head should be kept down too. Breaths are taken through the mouth by turning the head to the side of a recovering arm at the beginning of the recovery, and breathing in the triangle between the upper arm, lower arm, and the waterline. The swimmer's forward movement will cause a bow wave with a trough in the water surface near the ears. After turning the head, a breath can be taken in this trough without the need to move the mouth above the average water surface. A thin film of water running down the head can be blown away just before the intake. The head is rotated back at the end of the recovery and points down and forward again when the recovered hand enters the water. The swimmer breathes out through mouth and nose until the next breath. Breathing out through the nose avoids water entering the nose.

hope that i can help you to swim faster!and of course to be the best answerer to this question!go to the two website for more info as i have the limited for words
2006-11-20 6:10 am
其實無可能50 唔換氣...最勁都要4次到....

我做法..就係同自己打拍子,,,等自己隻手keep 住禁快 ...仲有..換氣個時面平水面

手唔好因為唔夠氣而做 ( 88) 手...一定要同唔抉換氣一樣...曲手..耳仔邊入水

牒腰其實就係碟腳....點解?? 因為碟式係腰帶動腳.......好似人魚禁條尾禁lo .隻腳要曲曲地

拍住但係放鬆 3~4 下就好上水..唔係過15m 就A"A

做唔到可以游自由腳...一樣ok ........ 不過要淺跳....碟腳就中跳..太深會哂力..太淺...


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