[急!] 心理或行為

2006-11-19 10:03 pm

回答 (2)

2006-11-19 10:11 pm
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「自卑」的人通常會這樣。因為本身自已的自我形象低落,例如家庭背景唔好、發生不愉快的事。之後就靠一些事來表現自已、確認自已是有能力的。慢慢做到的話,就覺得自已好得,就成為「自大」。因為一山不能藏 2 虎~~所以有類人會不斷踐踏他人而成全自已的。

但當這些「事情」被挑戰、被擊敗的時候,心情會大幅下降。因為唯一成功的野被人 KO~~

1. 自卑 / 自大
2. 自我形象
參考: 我之前睇好多呢類的書,所以有一些心得。
2006-11-21 5:06 pm
Yes, but it explain in another way….

When Self-Serving Bias is ADAPTIVE, it increases the self-esteem of people.

We are protected by a SELF-SERVING BIAS. Self-Serving Bias is a tendency to perceive and present oneself favorably. It defense against our threatened self-esteem. In another words, it protect individuals from depression, better achievement via self-fulfilling prophecy, sustain a sense of hope in difficult time, feeling good and security.

When a person越會去做一些事來表現自己的"強",以保護自己, the SELF-SERVING BIAS will become MAL-ADAPTIVE (negative). Some situation will be blaming others for the difficulties they encounter. The extreme case will be an abusive or murderous range.
參考: from ADMS Social Psychology

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