Black-faced Spoonbill(小鳥)英文介紹

2006-11-19 9:36 pm
黑 臉 琵 鷺 的 英 文 名 稱 為 Black-faced Spoonbill , 意 即 具 有 黑 色 面 龐 和 匙 狀 嘴 巴 , 這 個 黑 長 的 扁 平 「 湯 匙 嘴 」 和 中 國 古 時 的 樂 器 琵 琶 有 點 相 似 , 因 此 中 文 以 琵 鷺 稱 之 最 為 貼 切 不 過 。 除 了 黑 色 的 嘴 、 臉 和 一 對 修 長 的 腿 外 , 牠 全 身 就 是 如 雪 般 白 的 羽 衣 ; 由 於 牠 的 覓 食 、 行 走 、 展 翅 及 飛 行 等 姿 態 都 相 當 優 美 , 因 此 牠 在 台 灣 被 稱 為 「 黑 面 舞 者 」 。.


回答 (2)

2006-11-19 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Black-faced Spoonbill : 黑臉琵鷺

Black-faced Spoonbill is a globally endangered species and its known world population is less than 1000. It is endemic to the coastal fringe of East Asia, from Korean Peninsula to Vietnam. In last decade, international efforts have been made to save this species from the risk of extinction and these have also aroused awareness to this endangered species. Little is still known about its ecology, despite a few studies had been made in migration, breeding and wintering ecology. In order to safeguard this endangered species, systematic monitoring of its number is important.

International Census

The International Black-faced Spoonbill Census is an important element of the conservation of this species. It shows changes of numbers of the spoonbill and possibly the health of the population.

The Census had been initiated by Mr. Tom Dahmer of the Ecosystem Ltd. Hong Kong. From winter 2002, the BirdLife International affiliate, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society has accepted the responsibility to start the coordination of the International Census. We take this opportunity to convey our thanks to Tom. The process of counting still requires the participation of all international parties in the area.
2006-11-19 9:41 pm
The Black-faced Spoonbill is a large white wading bird with a distinctively shaped beak - looking like a spoon, or a pi pa. The facial skin is bare and black in colour - hence its name. It is about 76 cm long and weighs about 1 kg. The Black-faced Spoonbill is a 'endangered' species - this means that it is 'in danger of extinction'. It is estimated that the world population is about 1,000 birds. The Black-faced Spoonbill occurs only in East Asia.

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