ATPL Questions HELP please

2006-11-19 7:04 pm
I would like to ask the way to do the convertion of foreign CPL or ICAO license to CAAC license. is it a must to obtain CAAC if i want to work in those china airline? and i am not sure if i can take the ATPL ground written below 750 hours. Is there any exemption? I know some chinese young pilot is eligible to do that before 750 hours and that valid at 1500 hours. since i would like to get the ATPL written done asap. If anyone can give me some suggestions, i would be soooo appreciated/.

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think best to check out from CAAC.

You know, most people here are just Junior High School kids. Some of which are only interested in the points and some keep asking *can pilot ware eye-glasses?*, *Do I have to take science subjects to become a pilot?*

Therefore your question is too advanced here in Yahoo knowledge. Try

2006-11-20 22:06:10 補充:
and... asking for quick answers for homework or projects.....

2006-11-22 22:12:10 補充:
hm... isn't an answer?
2006-11-22 9:22 pm
wilsonlovesjunkmail, please, if you can't answer the question, could you just disappear?

Since China is one of the member countries of ICAO, any pilot licences obtained from any ICAO countries should be considered as valid to CAAC. All you have to do is to apply for these airlines and if you're hired, they'll do all the paperwork for you.

For ATPL, as long as you've a valid CPL+MEIR you should be able to sit for the ATPL theory exam. In theory you can have 0hrs of flight experience prior to sit and pass the ATPL exam. But since you need an CPL +MEIR you should have at least 200hrs under your belt. (Because ATPL covers some multi-engine and instrument operation knowledge) Having said that, you don't have to have quoted 750hrs for an exam attempt. You can do it right after you've got your CPL+MEIR. Once you've got 1,500hrs (with minimum of 750hrs in aeroplane, 250hrs of PIC, 200hrs of cross country, 75hrs of instrument time and 100hrs of night operation), you're eligible to obtain an de-frozen ATPL.

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