初生嬰兒 辦理 葡國入籍 (認別証+護照) 20 分

2006-11-19 4:27 pm
本人係澳門永久居民, 葡國籍, 我的未婚夫 係澳洲公民,
我而家懷孕6個月, 打算回澳門生bb
咁樣bb出生可以搞澳門身份証 同回鄉証(方便日後回澳門&中國)

我打算佢一出生 就幫佢去搞葡國護照, 因為佢出生後2個月我就會同佢番澳洲

1) 我未婚, 可以幫bb搞葡籍嗎, 可以的話又需要d咩
2) 手續會很麻煩嗎, 大約要幾耐, 因為我生院2個月後一定要走, 要趕及下學期開學
3) 可否直接去香港澳洲大使館 幫bb搞澳洲入籍同護照, 省卻葡國護照?
4) 我知如果係澳洲生 會方便d, 不過因為我係學生visa, 為了生bb我要暫停讀書一學期, 澳洲話如果我暫停要我回家, 加上澳洲方面冇人照顧, 我不是公民, 醫療開支都幾高(雖然付款後可向保險公司取回80%). 大家覺得我應該係澳門生bb 定係係澳洲生...

入澳洲. 用中國護照會比 用葡國護照 麻煩好多, 又要有擔保 用葡國護照搞澳洲旅遊visa==咩都唔洗,去旅遊社buy機票時一齊搞 搞學生簽證==只係有學校信同body check..就得~ 用中國護照, 又要50萬3個月存款擔保, 又要有屋契 又咩咩証明, 點會中國護照較好呢


我因為停學...須要離開澳洲回家, 有何方法可留澳洲生仔又停學

回答 (5)

2006-11-21 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have answered in details for your question 澳洲公民回澳洲的証(bb父母未婚)重要20分勿吹水. Please read carefully.

This is NOT correct answer:三重國籍在任何一個國家都是違法的。
你最好問清楚啊! I have three nationalities for Australia, HK Chinese and BNO and I never have any problems when travelling overseas. Answer from Fernardo is very clear and correct. Both Australian and Portguese governments accept dual citizenships, no matter how many nationalities for your baby. Unlike Chinese government, they DO NOT accept the foreign nationality if the baby is Macau-Chinese, he/she cannot have a consulate protection from Australia and Portgual if he/she breaches the law in Mainland China, HK and Macau.

In my opinion, the best way is your baby can apply the Australian citizenship by descent if the baby will be born in Macau. Your fiance can submit the application to Australian Consulate in HK. You are no need to apply any visa for the baby because he/she is eligible to become an Australian citizen by descent from father.

It's up to you where you want the baby born. You should claim some expenses if you stay in Australia until the baby is born. The refund would not be much due to you are not the resident in Australia. The baby is Australian citizenship by birth-father is an Australian citizen. The baby also eligible to get Macau permanent resident ID from you. I have a girl friend from Macau, she has 2 daughters both were born in Australia. The 1st daughter did not have an Australia citizenship due to she was waiting on permenant resident visa. The 1st daughter could apply both Macau ID and 港澳居民來往內地通行證 (回鄉證). Her 2nd daughter was born, and was an Australian citizen after she became a permanent resident. The 2nd daughter could still apply Macau ID because of my girlfriend and her husband. However, she was not eligible to apply 港澳居民來往內地通行證 (回鄉證) due to she was acquired a foreign nationality by birth, 2nd daughter needs to apply entry visa to China.

I hope this experience can help you to make a decision. Good luck.

2006-11-21 09:09:05 補充:
P.S. if the baby is Australian citizen by descent, you are not required to apply a visa to the baby coz he/she can apply an Australian passport. This is the most efficient way and cost you less. Portguese passport is better than Macau passport if u apply Aus student visa.
參考: Australian citizen was born in HK, planning to have a baby and thinking to let the baby born in HK
2006-11-21 10:57 am
其實你這樣做,不是把 BB 弄得有三重國籍嗎?


2006-11-21 8:34 am
無論妳所生的嬰兒在何處出生都會是葡萄牙籍.跟據葡萄牙國籍法Lei do nacionalidade portuguesa da Repulica Portuguesa.如父或母一方為葡國公民.你們的子女在何處出生都會自動是葡萄牙籍.所以妳不必返回澳門生BB.妳應留在澳洲當地生BB.直至妳的BB出世了.妳可以到葡萄牙駐澳洲悉尼總領事館 辦理BB的出生登記.妳需要到葡萄牙領事館辦理領事登記先.之後領事館會發出一張Boletim領事登記咭.咭上面會有妳的procceso no(file no)
妳的有效葡籍認別証Copia do Bilhete de identidade 副本
葡國護照副本 Copia do passaporte comum 及要附有澳洲的入境簽証 visto do estado de australia .emissao de migracao de australia.
葡國發出的出生登記証明.Assento de Nascimento (該份証明妳要自行向葡國中央登記局提出申請,一般會在一個月內收到.妳必需要用葡文寫一封信是說明妳要申請一份葡國出世紙,以辦理bb的出生登記.及要購買一張$17歐羅匯票)一同寄往葡國里斯本
及妳需要辦理結婚登記bb方可辦理出生登記 (妳先要與妳的未婚夫在澳洲當地註冊結婚)
葡國中央登記局 Conservatoria dos Registos Centrais 地址如下
Rua Rodrigo da Fonsesa ,200 , 1099-003 Lisboa Portugal

Consulado Geral de Portugal em Australia sydney
地址MORA : Level 9, 30 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 - GPO Box 3309 Sydney NSW 2001- Austrália
Contacto do Telef : (00.612) 926.221.99/ 5721/ 1071
telef do fax : :(00.612) 926.259.91
E-mail : [email protected]

葡萄牙駐澳洲Camberra大使館 Sec.Consular da Embaixada de Portugal em Camberra Australia.
地址Endereço: 23 Culgoa Circuit O'Malley, Act 2606 / P.O. Box 92 -Deakin, A.C.T.2600 Camberra - Austrália
contacto do telef : (00.612) 629.017.33
contacto do fax : (00.612) 629.019.57
E-mail : [email protected]
2006-11-20 6:38 am
我建議你在澳洲生 雖然醫藥費 會高點 但我覺得那是值得的
可以直接拿到英語系強國的護照 是一件好事 (以後你就容易拿到澳洲籍了)
我知道你本身可能有許多考量 但我跟你說
1 你就算會因為 生bb 再澳洲被休學一年好了 但你換到休息時間 唔用在懷孕期間有課業壓力 對你自己和bb的身體都好 何況休學期間可以自己慢慢溫習課業 等到生完bb後 你的學業會更好 這會是對你和bb雙贏的情況
2你是葡國籍了 當然搞bb的身分証容易囉 媽媽是葡國籍了 怎麼可能不讓你好辦
2006-11-19 4:50 pm
你建議你都系回澳門生bb 好d,在澳門有人照顾你好d哦。。


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