
2006-11-19 9:30 am
我想請問我即將要做一個英文的book recommendation
因為不再想用something like"today,i would like to recommend a book.."

回答 (4)

2006-11-19 11:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning. When I was strolling in the bookstore last week, I picked up from the staff's recommendation the book (title of the book) by (author of the book). I found the book very interesting and would like to share my thoughts with you.

Hello everyone. In (title of the book), (author of the book) talked about how dog owners should behave so that they can successfully train their dogs. ...

Good morning. I have a dog at home, but I have never understood why he does not respond to my instructions. But after reading (title of the book) from (author of the book), I realized what I did wrong. ...

Hello. Many of you probably own a dog. Have you experienced your dog's disobedience? Have you ever wondered why your dog would not listen to you? If you answer yes to the above questions, (title of the book) by (author of the book) may be your key to solve your problems. ...


至於後悔,你或可以用:to feel remorse/to be remorseful.
後悔莫及可以是to be beyond remorse, to be too late for remorse, to be too late to be remorseful
2006-11-24 7:45 am
very good.
2006-11-19 2:10 pm
咁你對住一班同學咁就應該輕輕鬆鬆咁開頭. 唔應該好似上面個位網友講聲good morning 就算. 不過唔知香港d 學生仲係咪真係聽你d presentation, 所以自己衡量, 作出調整
咁你可以話... hey everyone, how are you? 咁你唔好唔等佢地答就繼續講wor, 等佢地作出回答先例如 "good" 咁你就答番 good 啦, 咁你就可以因應本書既內容黎開頭, 好似你本書係講電視既, 咁就講: i love to watch tv, do u? 咁就等佢地答 "yeah" 咁跟住自己再介紹本書啦..
參考: 住起美國既經驗..
2006-11-19 9:38 am
I found an insteresting book....

Ruding awakening

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