Some F3 Biology question..PART 2

2006-11-19 8:16 am
Plz help me to use english to answer these question, thanks><"

5. Children like to chew rice in their mouth for a long time and their parents will scold them for such behaviour. You try to explain to their parents why they have sucj behaviour.
6. Why do we have a slimy layer to protect the wall of the stomach?
7. Why is the wall of the ileum folded and covered with many hair-like projections called villi?
8. What are the two main functions of the large intestine?

回答 (1)

2006-11-19 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
5) the amylase in saliva breaks down the starch molecules into sugar so as to give a sweet taste to the food, and that's y the children like to chew the rice in their mouth.

6)to prevent the acidic gastric juice to cause damage to the stomach

7) to increase the surface for better absorption

8) to absorb water from the undigested food waste, to form stool and to pass the stool to rectum
參考: self

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