Some F3 Biology question..PART 1

2006-11-19 8:15 am
Plz help me to use english to answer these question, thanks><"

1. What is digestion?
2. What is absorption?
3. Why digestion and absorption are important to the humans?
4. State two functions of saliva.

回答 (2)

2006-11-19 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Breaking down of food into small components which can be absorb by our body.
2. Absorb of small nutritional molecules into our body through epithelium of small intestine.
3. Without digestion, our body cannot absorb the nutrition as the molecules are too big.
4. Moisten the food so that the food pieces can be swallowed easily. Also, amylase in saliva break down the starch into smaller amylose.

Okay, guy, should you pay attention in class and look up your information from reference books (do NOT rely on your text book ONLY)? I can only see a lazy bug abusing this Yahoo! service.
參考: My brain
2006-11-19 8:27 am
1) breaking down of food molecules
2)the process of molecules going into cells
3) digestion can break down large molecules so the molecules are small enough to be absorbed, and human cells can get nutrions to continue working
4) breaking down of starch, moisturising mouth cavity, maintaining a slightly alkaline environment of mouth cavity to decrease the chance of tooth decay, moisturising of food molecules, lubricating the food molecules so that the food molecules can pass through the oesophagus more smoothly, etc.
參考: 自己, 讀左好多年bio

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