Is there ever a time when it's necessary or good to be rude, mean or disrespectful to a person or persons?!?!

2006-11-18 10:51 am

回答 (11)

2006-11-18 1:08 pm
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Xani said, "You did know that it takes a high level of intelligence to understand sarcasm, than regular humor. so most people do not catch a double meaning."

I've read that 1/3 of people don't understand sarcasm.

I admit to being rude, mean, and even disrespectful in the past. In most cases, though not all, it was in response to someone else's rude behavior. Thankfully, I've reformed myself. Such behavior doesn't help anyone's reputation. Also, I'm an example now that I'm a mother. My son looks up to me as a guide for how to behave. I think it's best to handle life with grace and kindness. Self defense is another thing though. If I need to protect myself or my family, I'll fight--and more than likely win.
2006-11-19 2:59 am
Yes. If someone is sexually harassing me - I will tell them to back off. If someone makes a racist remark or any kind of ethnic slur to me I will let them know that I don't appreciate those kind of remarks. These are two instances I can think of where I have had to be firm and sometimes even rude to get my point across and I don't feel bad about it.
2006-11-18 2:10 pm
Yes! Whenever someone tries to sexually harrass me.
Yes! Some people only respect you if you can stand up for yourself.
2006-11-18 12:43 pm
When people feel they can cross the line of respect- it feels good to let them go one. But WE SHOULDN´T.
2006-11-18 11:48 am
If they're hurting a defenceless person and not relenting, then yes, of course it's necessary. Otherwise, there should always be a more tactful way of saying things.
2006-11-18 11:23 am
I do not think it is necessary or advisable to be rude to a person in order to be firm in what you have to do or say. You can disagree or take action, and still do so with respect and courtesy.
2006-11-18 11:09 am
there is no time ever to lack respect for others ,for in doing so toward others , you are lacking respect to yourself
as far as being good or bad ? not everyone is capable of being good or bad ? it all depends on your education and capabilites ;
there are no reasons to behave in such mannerism :good or bad , but you must always act respectful
2006-11-18 11:01 am
no, in my opinion you should be polite to everyone. I some times have a hard time being polite to everyone and I find that I tinge my answers with a touch of sarcasm. But nothing insulting or rude.

You did know that it takes a high level of intelligence to understand sarcasm, than regular humor. so most people do not catch a double meaning.
2006-11-18 10:59 am
Only in self-defense. If someone is mean or disrespectful, return fire in kind.
2006-11-18 10:59 am
No not a single time, and it's not right to do so.

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