
2006-11-19 7:23 am
我將到澳洲讀短期課程兩個月, 可以o係o個邊學車嗎? 大約要幾錢? 考牌需時多久呢? 我有個朋友o係o個邊, 話可以教我, 唔駛搵師傅學都可以考牌, 真的嗎?
另外如果真係考到澳洲牌, 返香港又點轉番香港牌呢?

回答 (4)

2006-11-22 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
er... im not sure about other places but i don’t think u can get a full driving licence in sydney... cause you have to get learners licence and record at least 50 hours of driving experience... you need to hold onto your learners licence for at least half a year before you can take the Driving Ability Road Test (DART) to get your provisional P1 licence!! After 12 months you can attempt the Hazard Perception Test. If successful, you can proceed to the P2 licence which must be held for at least 24 months. By passing the Driver Qualification Test (DQT), you can have a full licence.

refer to here for the fees...

my dad got his driving licence here in sydney... he got a hk licence after he sat for a written test in hk... but don’t quote me on this cause it was ages ago!!

hope this information helps!!

2006-11-22 14:46:11 補充:
your friend can teach you if he/she has a full driving licence
2016-11-07 1:29 pm
2008-01-24 10:25 am
accurate infomation
2006-11-19 7:26 am
get an international driving license in hk, then you can drive basicly anywhere in the world

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