What is "organisational weakness"?

2006-11-19 5:14 am
What is "organisational weakness"?
Is there any difference between "organisational weakness" and " weakness of the organisation"?

回答 (3)

2006-11-19 11:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
兩個是有分別的。Organisational weakness 是指在組織性方面有弱點,重點是在組織性的。Weakness of the organisation則是指組織的弱點,重點是弱點,關於組織的弱點。

This book has lots of organisational weaknesses. 這本書有很多組織性的弱點。可能是說書本的內容很鬆散,或者是一章跟一章沒有連接性。
2006-11-21 3:59 am
2006-11-19 6:48 am
they are the same.

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