Master Degree

2006-11-19 4:23 am
What is the main different between taught masters and research master? Can find the different from the cert during job interview?

Thanks for all reply, what about the MBA? They are tough or research or both? Does research master degree only in special subject like engineering?

回答 (2)

2006-11-19 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
The easiest way is to check the transcript. Because if you are studying in a research master degree, your transscript should mention that you have registered in master research or has the title of your master thesis.

Usually, in UK and HK, research Master are called M.Phil. However, it is not true in US and Canada. They can be M.A., M.Sc., etc. So, the best way is to check the transcript.

2006-11-23 19:33:18 補充:
MBA are taught Master per se. However, some MBA programs allow students to enrol in a research project.Research Masters can be in any subjects, including business. Of course, the university will require you to conduct a more sophisticated research project, compared with MBA project.
2006-11-19 9:38 pm
Taught master - the study mode is similar to bachelor degree. You have to attend lecture, take exam and get the degree when you finish the required credit at required GPA. You are not required to write dissertation
Research master - the core study is to write up the dissertation.
Difference in taught master & research master
In Hong Kong, taught master usually named as "Msc in XXX" or "MA in XXX". Research master named as "MPhil".

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