
2006-11-19 4:18 am
Better Fill Lt up – close Passage

1.Main points: read carefully the whole passage one, two or even three before you start filling in the blanks. You will know the gist(main point) of the article and the task will become easier;
2.Try: never give up a blank. ’Have a go ‘ later if you’re not very sure. If you finally try, you stand a chance of getting a mark and you don’t lose any mark. If you don’ t try, you’ll get nothing back;

In a cloze passage, you are told to fill in the blanks with suitable words. The blanks are not tricky, but you are usually required to use your knowledge in grammar and common sense to do it. There are some good hints for you:

回答 (2)

2006-11-19 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案



2006-11-18 20:57:18 補充:
read carefully the whole passage one, two or even three before you start filling in the blanks. 這段話有歧義,表意不清。我想它想表達的是讀文章1次,兩次甚至3次。但它語法用錯了。應該用once, twice or even three times.如果以現在這個意思來看,我會覺得他要你讀整段文章,第一段,第二段和第三段,但這樣的話有點奇怪。
2006-11-19 4:40 am
1. 重點:在答填充前小心讀多全篇文章一、二甚至三次,你就會知道篇文的主旨(重點),然後填充就會變得簡單。

2. 嘗試:不要放棄題目。如果你不肯定可以遲些才試。如果你最後嘗試了答,你就會有了機會得分和不失分。如果你不試,就不會得到任何東西。


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