
2006-11-19 3:29 am
想問下下面呢句句子grammer OR 用字係唔係有問題呀?係的話,應該點改呢?
He hypothesized that the truck was not working because of a broken filter.

回答 (3)

2006-11-19 2:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He hypothesized that the truck was not working because of the broken filter.
將a 轉做 the
參考: 美國經驗
2006-11-28 9:38 pm
both are grammatically correct. but changing "a" to "the" is changing the audience. a broken filter is talking to somebody who doesn't know the situation. the broken filter is talking to somebody who knows about the situation or knows about trucks.
2006-11-19 5:28 am
He suggested a broken filter as the possible cause of the truck's failure.

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