Difficult questions in Mathematics -percentage -(15)

2006-11-19 2:30 am
Difficult questions in Mathematics -percentage -(15)

25.One day,Mr Chan stocked 200 packets of cheese biscuits at $6 each.He put the biscuits in bags of four packets and sold each bag at $29.4.

(a) Find the profit per cent if Mr Chan sold all the biscuits on that day.

(b) If Mr Chan could sell only 20 bags of biscuits on that day and he sold the remaining bags of biscuits the next day at a price of $23.2 each,find his profit or loss per cent.

(Please help me to solve the questions and show me your steps and better to explain the questions) Thanks all for your help!

回答 (3)

2006-11-19 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a)Cost of the biscuits = 200 x $6.00 = $1200.00
Total No. of bags = 200/4 = 50bags
Selling price of all biscuits = 50bags x $29.40each = $1470.00
Profit of all biscuits = $1470.00 - $1200.00 = $270.00
The profit per cent = $270.00/$1200.00 x 100% = 22.5%

(b)20bags sold at $29.40each, 30bags sold at $23.20
Selling price of all biscuits = 20bags x $29.40 + 30bags x $23.20
= $588.00 + $696.00
= $1284.00
Profit of all biscuits = $1284.00-$1200.00 = $84.00
The profit per cent = $84.00/$1200.00 x 100% = 7%
2006-11-19 2:59 am
mr chan 用以每包$6的價錢買左200包餅
然後每4包餅入落一個袋度, 每袋賣$29.4

a) 如果mr chan 賣晒d 餅, 佢ge profit per cent 係幾多

number of bags of biscuits = 200/4 = 50 bags
profit % = [50(29.4) - 200(6)] /200(6) x100% = 22.5%
therefore the profit per cent is 22.5%

b) 如果mr chan 只係以$29.4 ge價錢賣左20袋餅, 餘下ge 賣$23.2, 佢ge profit or loss percent 係幾多

% = [20(29.4) + 30(23.2) - 200(6)] / 200(6) x 100% = +7%
therefore the profit per cent is 7%
2006-11-19 2:39 am
25a. 29.4x(200/4)-200x6

b.{[20x29.4+(50-20)x23.2]-1200} /1200 x100%

={[588+696]-1200} /1200 x100%

=84/1200 x100%


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