
2006-11-19 2:12 am
有D 相片, 想用e-mail寄給人朋友看! ( 轉用英文什麼寫)!

相片是在英國影, 想他們看後保留照片. ( 轉用英文什麼寫)

回答 (3)

2006-11-19 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
want to send some photos to my friends via email

2006-11-19 11:39:20 補充:
if you writing to your friends then don't need to write this sentence in a formal way.相片是在英國影, 想他們看後保留照片. The photos were taking in England, hope you guys can keep it after your reviews.This will sound more causal and friendly :)

2006-11-19 11:43:19 補充:
I'm actually from England...haha...if the pictures were taking by you then I hope you had enjoyed your trip there :)
2006-11-19 2:26 am
I want to email some pic to my friend (S).


I am going to email some pic to my friend.

or if you want to tell your friend that u want to send him/her pic :

I am sending you some pictures thru email. / I am emailing you some pictures.
參考: me
2006-11-19 2:18 am
i would like to send some pics to my friend by email.

2006-11-18 23:29:57 補充:
i hope they would keep it for later reference having looked the pics that were shot in Britianme try my best
參考: me, simple

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