有咩字關於characteristics ofa gentle man?

2006-11-19 12:45 am
有咩字關於characteristics ofa gentle man?

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2006-11-19 5:32 pm
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1)In spirit and in daily life. He may be honest, truthful, upright, polite, temperate, courageous, self-respecting, and self-helping; that is, be a true gentleman.

Propriety of manners, and consideration for others, are the two main characteristics of a gentleman. -- Beaconsfield.

To be a gentleman does not depend upon the tailor or the toilet. Good clothes are not good habits. A gentleman is just a gentle-man,--no more, no less; a diamond polished, that was first a diamond in the rought. -- Bishop Doane.
What is it to be a gentleman? Is it to be honest, to be gentle, to be generous, to be brave, to be wise, and, possessing all these qualities, to exercise them in the most graceful outward manner? Ought a gentleman to be a loyal son, a true husband, an honest father? Ought his life to be decent, his bills to be paid, his taste to be high and elegant, his aims in life lofty and noble? -- Thackeray.
The taste of beauty, and the relish of what is decent, just and amiable, perfects the character of the gentleman and the philosopher. And the study of such a taste or relish will, as we suppose, be ever the great employment and concern of him who covets as well to be wise and good, as agreeable and polite. -- Shaftesbury.
Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him. -- Locke.
You may depend upon it, religion is, in its essence, the most gentlemanly thing in the world. It will alone gentilize, if unmixed with cant; and I know nothing else that will, alone. Certainly not the army, which is thought to be the grand embellisher of matters. -- Coleridge.
He is the best gentleman that is the son of his own deserts, and not the degenerated heir or another's virtue. -- Victor Hugo.
Perhaps propriety is as near a word as any to denote the manners of the gentleman; elegance is necessary to the fine gentleman; dignity is proper to noblemen; and majesty to kings. -- Hazlitt.
He is gentle that doth gentle deeds.
Gentleman is a term which does not apply to any station, but to the mind and the feelings in every station. -- Talfourd.
Of the offspring of the gentilman Jafeth, came Hasbraham, Moyses, Aron and the profetts; and also the kyng of the right line of Mary, of whom that gentilman Jhesus was borne. -- Juliana Berners.

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