
2006-11-18 10:04 pm

因為假如我們身在一間黑暗的房間時,放一個apple,用一條light ray射向apple的一點到,無論我們身在房間的那一角,也可以看到apple有光的那一點是紅色的,如果入射角=apple的反射角,那麼我們就不會在房間每一角也看到apple的那一點。

回答 (2)

2006-11-18 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When light beam is reflected from the surface of an apple, it goes almost in all direction basically because the surface of an apple is not flat. Imagine cutting a slice of apple and put it to study under microscope, the edge(surface) is actually rounded, and in some cases it can be a little bit rough. When drawing a light beam diagram, you can draw some 5 or 10 arrows to illustrate light source, and when they land on to rough/curved surface, they all have different angle to the surface. Although all of those will be reflected perfectly at the same angle out, the reflected light beams are not parallel.

and basically a true light beam can be divided into so many small beams and got reflected in almost all direction, you can see the apple from almost anywhere in front of the spot.

if u change apple to a perfect mirror, that's another story.
2006-11-20 1:11 am


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