
2006-11-18 9:04 pm
受夠了... 原來真係有人會答「一個有M同一個冇M」....


回答 (2)

2006-11-18 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
BA = Bechelor of Arts 文科學士
MBA = Master of Business Administration 工商管理學碩士

* BBA = Bechelor of Business Administration 工商管理學學士



BA = Bechelor of Arts 文科學士
BSc = Bachelor of Science  理科學士

MA = Master of Arts 文科碩士
MSc = Master of Science 理工科碩士
MPhil = Master of Philosophy 研究碩士
MEd = Master of Education 教育學碩士

PhD = Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士

PgD = Postgraduate Diploma 深造文憑


2006-11-18 13:45:06 補充:
注意:BA = Bachalor of Arts DegreeArts 有 (s) 的, 意思係文學科目 
參考: 這裡有 HKU A-Z 的學位縮寫 :
2006-11-18 9:13 pm
BA = Bachalor of Art Degree
MBA = Master of Business Adminstration

After you complete the BA in university (normally 3 years in Hong Kong, 4 years in USA), you can apply to study MBA.

BA is fairly general, and there are lots of major and subject you can choose from. such as logistic, language, music...etc
But for MBA - if it more for people who want to pursue in business world, more focus on marketing, finance and business theory.

Got it? :)
參考: i have studied both

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