✔ 最佳答案
The participant essential honors rules of the various outstations.
If the hold same day meets three or by the winning side ball, either red, the very heavy rain warned, either the thunderstorm warned; The same day all activities can cancel. Originally can then a generation of arrangement chooses other dates again, or returns the registration fee (to do in accordance to various outstations.)Otherwise with decided by various field operations.
The participant like holds the same day to absent, the registration fee does not return generally.
The participant essential body condition is good.
1 maintains the location to be clean.
2 essential observes rules of the various outstations.
3 When armistice is sure not ju to aim casually the gun others.
4 please carelessly do not open fire in the safe area and aims at other people with the gun.
5 does not have to fire at dying in battle, and to dying in battle claim equipment and information.
6 all dying in battle must go to the safe area immediately only then by except under face guard.
7 does not have to say the foul language thickly, makes insulting or instigates is the provocation behavior of and the speech.
8 like has any disaffection, please finish after this war only then proposed, avoids the nonessential dispute.
9 like discoveries have the participant to violate rule of the game, the main force may request this participant truce, does calmly.