I (我) 為何要大楷?

2006-11-18 8:19 pm
書寫時,I (我) 為何要大楷?

回答 (6)

2006-11-18 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為i是一個單字母,小楷i是用作1, 未完成的課程,用大楷I,是讓人明白這I是我的意思。但you,they但,這是一個詞,不是字母,所以不用YOU/You。
參考: 自己
2006-11-19 12:49 am
As English Language is somewhat derived from German, it may be the reason why 'I' should be capitalized. In German, I = Ich and that is an example of word inflection.
2006-11-18 9:48 pm
Because I (me) is proper noun as same as a name... that's all.
2006-11-18 9:30 pm
因為(I)係大 teacher講
參考: teacher
2006-11-18 8:24 pm
Because your teacher say : You will write 大楷.
2006-11-18 8:20 pm

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