
2006-11-18 6:42 pm

回答 (3)

2006-11-18 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
for public exam, basically 4 in one group and sometimes, 3. if yours is 4-5. no problems. the skills would be the same.

1. before you start, you should greet the candidates and then you can move on to the dicussion topic. mention the background information such as your role and say why you have to discuss that topic as a start.

a) hello, everybody, our teacher has asked us to organise an exhibition about the freedom of teenagers at school. do you have any suggestions about...?
b) recently, many of our fellow schoolmates have been talking about the freedom of teenagers. as a teenager, what do you think about this?
c) in order to arouse teenagers' attention towards their own freedom, we are here today discuss about this hit topic. can you share with us what you think about this?

2. make sure you have got good time management. every sub topic should be touched. have a plan in your mind before dicussion begins. some sub topics may take more time to discuss. check the timer from time to time.

3. be polite to each other. smile more and be encouraging. remember you are not enemies and you have to help each other.

4. stick to the topic and don't talk about any irrelevant things. if someone in the group does, stop him/ her and bring him/ her back to the relevant question. don't remain silent.

5. eye contact as you have to show that you are IN the dicussion. you are showing repect, too.
參考: me
2006-11-18 7:00 pm
我覺得如果題目特別對一方有利,例如對讚成一樣野特別易講,咁你就最好諗定你要講反對,好處 1. 能加強表現既機會 2. 如果全部人都選讚成就唔係討論了
2006-11-18 6:52 pm
唔好唔出聲 ,但都唔好爭住黎講 ,盡量要講中要點。


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