昨晚脫了智慧齒 痛了一晚 還要痛幾耐

2006-11-18 6:24 pm
他給我止痛藥,差不多吃完,很痛很痛 怎麼辦?

回答 (3)

2006-11-18 6:39 pm
Poor you!!! Depends on how many teeth you've taken out in 1 time. Like me, I took all 4 of them already in 2 years taking them out 1 at a time it's only pain for 2 days and actually the next day I don't even have to take any painkillers. But I have a friend took all 4 of them in 1 time...she told me took her 1 week and 1/2 to be recovered and all those time her face was 2 times bigger...

Put the ice-pack outside your cheeks and Don't eat/drink anything too warm would help! Change the cotton inside your month every 3-4 hours the 1st day don't change too often...if you have any other symptoms, call your dentist at once.

Hope you feel better!!!
2006-11-18 6:35 pm
三至五日後就吾痛!但吾好食咁多止痛藥.對身體吾好!如果真係痛到can't sleep打返俾個醫生同佢講!
叫佢睇下!!脫了智慧齒後係咁架,我都試過,無咩辨法,忍忍忍啦!果時我痛倒哭,都吾知為咩我重有一隻未脫都吾錦再脫!woo woo......!吾好食熱野食D冬野,會好D!!ice-cream.....吾好理佢當無野!出街行下睇下野就吾覺架啦!!!最好sleep,sleep左就吾知痛.....我明白你心情...........
2006-11-18 6:33 pm




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