
2006-11-18 5:36 pm

回答 (3)

2013-03-15 12:07 am
代理註册海外公司、香港公司、虛擬辦公室 、
郵箱: [email protected]
2006-11-18 6:03 pm


(a) 有股本私人公司如在成立為法團的最近周年日起計42天內交付周年申報表存檔,應繳的每年註冊費為港幣105元。如沒有在訂明時限的42天內交付周年申報表,便須繳付大幅度提高的註冊費。

(b) 其他有股本公司如在周年大會後42天內,或於通過以代替周年大會的書面決議日期後42天內交付周年申報表存檔,應繳的每年註冊費為港幣140元。如沒有在訂明時限的42天內交付周年申報表,便須繳付大幅度提高的註冊費。

(c) 無股本公司(擔保有限公司多數屬此類別)應繳的每年註冊費為港幣105元,並須於周年大會後42天內,或於通過以代替周年大會的書面決議日期後42天內,交付周年申報表存檔。

登記周年申報表-遞交日期 :
如在由成立為法團的周年日翌日起計42天內 HK$105
如在由成立為法團的周年日翌日起計超過42天但不超過3個月 HK$870
如在由成立為法團的周年日翌日起計超過3個月但不超過6個月 HK$1,740
如在由成立為法團的周年日翌日起計超過6個月但不超過9個月 HK$2,610
如在由成立為法團的周年日翌日起計超過9個月 HK$3,480



2006-11-18 5:56 pm
Yes, all limited companies registered with HK Company Registry (CR) need to file annual return within the time limit otherwise you are subject to a fine at progressive scale of penalty. The CR will chase after you for a period of time in terms of years and all available methods will be imposed including putting the names of all directors on the wanted list even on the Custom's check points at the borders and airports & piers. For a few years, the fine will be accumulated to a high figure exceeding HK$10,000. Also, you are quite easy enough to forget the BR fees renewal if you forget the annual return because they are twins.
Do not think that the CR will take the initiative to inform you. It is entirely your responsibility to file such return.
The normal procesdure is to file such return within 3 weeks on the anniversary day of incorporation without penalty.
Ask your company secretary for details. If you do not have one, you better hire a professional Company Secretarial service firm to handle it.
If you do not have the time and detail patience to do such, take my advice to hire one.
It is not justify to do it by your self. Concentrate your time to explore the business rather than to save such cost.

2006-11-18 09:57:43 補充:
All limited companies except some not within the meanings are required to do so.

2006-11-18 09:59:36 補充:
I refer to those without activities and just have the company name approved only. However, they are still suject to pay fees for BR certificates rather than in the old days.

2006-11-18 10:02:08 補充:
Sorry, the time limit is 42 days within anniversary day.The fine will go up (revision according to updating) and the procedures and formats will change as situation warrants. SO, better hire the professionals.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:28:18
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