
2006-11-18 2:58 pm
請將以下的竭後語、諺語和成語翻譯成英文 (最好俾埋意思接近嘅 cliché):


1) 駛人唔駛本
2) 有錢駛得鬼推磨
3) 死雞撐飯蓋
4) 一人做事一人當
5) 吃得咸魚抵得渴
6) 自作自受
7) 有志者,事竟成
8) 針無兩頭尖,蔗無兩頭甜
9) 少吃多滋味,多吃壞肚皮
10) 經一事,長一智;不經事,不長智

回答 (2)

2006-11-18 3:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.) You have to pay to get help!
2) Money can buy anything!
3.) Never admit that you are wrong.
4.) You deal with what you've done
5.) It's normal to get use to your habitat
6.) You try, You succeed
7.) You deserve what you've done.
8.) It's impossible to have two thing at once
9.) Nice as a treat, Coarse as a hobbie.
10.) If you try, you learn from it; If you do not try, you don't get anything out of it.

P.S * very hard ar!!! I just made them up so, they are popbaly wrong! But that's the best i can do sorry....^__^"

2006-11-18 21:05:24 補充:
下面兩位朋支....做乜copy 我呀?專重下好bor!!Thank you 聖經使徒行傳(Acts)20:35說:「施比受更為有福(It is more blessed to give than to receive)」!
參考: me
2006-11-18 7:22 pm
6 & 7倒轉了...

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