
2006-11-18 2:46 pm
請將以下的竭後語、諺語和成語翻譯成英文 (最好俾埋意思接近嘅 cliché):

1) 幫理不幫親
2) 天網恢恢,疏而不漏
3) 未雨綢繆
4) 十年樹木,百年樹人
5) 千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重
6) 天不負苦心人
7) 真金不怕洪爐火
8) 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直
9) 非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動
10) 日行一善

順道問問 : 4) 「十年樹木,百年樹人」呢句點解?


Any more answers please??

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 12:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.) True to the truth not the relationship.
2.) You can run, but can't hide.
3.) Won't hurt if you came prepare
5.) My gift might not be anything, but the meaning is the part you need to cherish.
6.) As long as you are true, your result will not be fake.
7.) If you’re real, you will not be afraid.
8.) A car needs a road to drive on; things will get better when you come to it.
9.) Don't stare if it's bad, don't listen if you know it's wrong, don't say it if you know it's worse, and don’t do it if you know it's unforgivable.
10.) A little kindness goes along way.

P.s. I tried my best...hope it helps! This is hard you know!

2006-11-26 04:02:28 補充:
Sorry, i don't know what 十年樹木,百年樹人 means, i guess my chinese is as bad as my english..lol!

2006-11-26 04:04:38 補充:
p.s.:-True to the truth not TO the relationship.
參考: me...
2006-11-18 3:38 pm
1)Help to pay attention to helping to kiss
2)The guilty can never escape Heaven's justice
3)Provide for a rainy day
4)It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred to rear people
5)The trifling gift sent from far away with sincerity, the gift may be of small value,but it conveys the sender's deep feeling
6)It is not defeated by great pain people
7)The real gold is not afraid of the big stove fire
8)Things will eventually sort themselves out, you will cross the bridge when you get to it
9)Do not look at rudly, does not hear rudly , does not speak rudly, do not move rudly
10)Do a kind deed

2006-11-18 07:39:59 補充:
參考: 字典

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