START車個時 engine聽到 "達"達sound 想部車想start都start唔到

2006-11-18 11:12 am
我而家有一個好急既問題係關於車架. 我而家駕駛既係hyundai ENLANTRA...尋日架車仲行得幾好 ,好正常,但係今日想用車既時間,start極都start唔到,只係聽到個engine有d "達"達sound 咁.我諗唔係battery既問題...因為架車個鍾同個radio都ON. 唔知係唔係火嘴既問題呢...有冇人可以幫下我呀......

仲有就係 個engine start完幾秒之後就停左..

回答 (4)

2006-11-18 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係engine有聲定係打藍磨有聲?? 你既情況應該係電池唔夠電, 如果你撻唔著車, 但係撻匙果陣聽到「達達」聲, 即係打藍磨冇時, 搵人幫你搭返著部車, 拿拿聲去換過隻新電池啦~~
2006-11-19 6:07 am
weak battery condition, try to jump start.
call a taxi, taxi driver they all have the jump cable, let him jump start for you.
red probe to + side, black probe to negative side (on both car)
after jump start, try to check battery and alternator charge in your garage.
If the battery already run for a long (more than 3 years) better to change a new battery
2006-11-19 3:32 am
你車的 「士達打」出現問題才會有以上的情況。因為「士達打」在線圈之前有一個銅環,作過電之用,但日子有功銅環會磨損。所以不能正常過電到線圈起動「士達打」,只聽到一聲"達"。
參考: 我的經驗
2006-11-18 12:59 pm
鐘同 radio 著唔等如你 battery 無問題
因為 radio 同鐘都只雖要好少電就得
starter 就要好大 power 先可以撻得著架車

有一個可能係 fuel filter 雖要換。 唔夠 gas 去到 engine

又有一個可能係的火咀 cable 唔掂。 如果係既話,你架車雖要 tune up ,換過晒的火咀同埋 cable.

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