
2006-11-18 10:10 am
我想問呢, 依家大多數人到美國升學還是澳洲升學? 我屋企人好贊成到澳洲升學, 但係本人仲未諗清楚! 我想要多D意見先決定, 因為呢1步好重要! 我唔想簡錯! 同埋, 好多人都話如果去美國升學, 讀得唔好或者成績差既人寧願係第2到讀都唔好去美國讀. 因為美國好多不太好或不太出名的. 所以我到依家都仲好亂! 我再隔多幾日就要諗去邊到讀嫁喇! 所以我真係諗唔到! 但係我自己就想去美國多D囉, 因為澳洲D英文不太好, 同埋澳洲D學校唔太出名!
PS. 緊急.. 唔該各位

回答 (4)

2006-11-18 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案


但係如果要我幫你既話!!我會簡澳洲" 因為美國既夜生活太多!!

我怕你去到只會學壞!!! 而澳洲最好簡d遠離市區既地方...


如果你真係想搵專業人士幫你. 你可以去搵 尚學堂...



你可以上http://www.issc.com.hk/ 到睇下!!!!
2008-01-21 7:06 am
學你話齋, 要學壞, 邊度都有得學壞啦. 我又唔信澳洲冇夜生活
2006-11-18 2:30 pm
i think there are still many good places in america for studying....i am studying in iowa now and i think it is a good place...very peaceful..and people are nice
(iowa is in the middle of america...near to chicago)
2006-11-18 11:49 am
what are you studying??
Uni?? high school??

usually, Families members say Australia is better, may be because they think Australia is safer compare to USA (you know the... 911 plane crash..) and may be cheaper...

but actually... both places are kind of the same amount of money that you have to pay..

USA unis are generally quite good
in Australia, univercity of Sydney is quite famous for studying vet (doctors for animals.)

schools famous or not famous, i think it just depends on what subject and what job employer you have later... coz if they have heard of it before... then it's ok..
i mean if you go to Harvard ... of course it's famous... but i mean... it is totally depends on what subjects...

anyway.. not very clear about USA and Australia.. but that's what i have heard when i first deciding which country to study...

hope i could help you ...

p.s. sorry that it's all in english..
參考: studying in UK... for 3 years now..

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