名畫---the creation of adam

2006-11-18 7:30 am



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2006-11-18 7:41 pm
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造物主周圍的11位天使圍成一個由飄飛的披風組成的渦旋狀, 形成支撐和冠冕的感覺。



作品強調人體動作,兩人之間的聯繫具有動感。 這聯繫點在亞當所處地面的斜線和渦旋形線中間,張力之強似快要目睹指尖接觸時迸發的火花。

2006-11-18 12:42:18 補充:
補充關於技巧一項《創造亞當》280x570公分 濕壁畫,拱頂裝飾畫濕壁畫就是將水溶顏料塗在剛清潔乾淨的濕灰泥牆壁作畫。把磨好的乾粉顏料溶入清水而製得的色彩,一旦與灰泥乾燥凝固後,可以成為牆壁的永久部分。由於濕壁畫耐久且表面不會反光,遂成為製作壁畫的理想方法。這種技術有別於在乾的灰泥上作畫的清壁畫或乾壁畫。義大利文藝復興是最偉大的濕壁畫時期,而米開朗基羅這幅在西斯汀禮拜堂的濕壁畫是最著名的。到了18世紀,濕壁畫已經大致被油畫取代。...............................

2006-11-18 12:44:00 補充:

2006-11-18 12:53:37 補充:
關於創作意念, 有人有此看法.....1990,一位名叫梅什伯格的美國醫生指出《創世紀》主題之一《創造亞當》中,上帝和周圍的天使組合在一起,與人類大腦的橫切面類似。他相信米開朗基羅是把上帝賦予亞當靈魂,與賜予人類智慧相提並論。..
2006-11-18 9:07 am

God is depicted as a bearded old man wrapped in a swirling cloak that he shares with some cherubim. His left arm is wrapped around a female figure, normally interpreted as Eve, who is not yet created and, figuratively, waits in heaven to be given an earthly form. God's right arm is outstretched to impart the spark of life from his own finger into that of Adam, whose left arm is extended in a pose mirroring God's. Famously, Adam's finger and God's finger are separated by a slight distance.

The composition is obviously artistic and not literal, as Adam is capable of reaching out to God even before he has actually been given "life." For this same reason, Eve is visually depicted prior to her own creation, although this has led a few people to believe the female figure must be Adam's mythical first wife, Lilith; however, this interpretation makes no more literal sense since Lilith was also created after Adam.

The similar poses of God and Adam – the positions of God's right leg and Adam's left are, for instance, nearly identical – reflect the fact that, according to Genesis 1:27, God created man in His own image. At the same time God, who is airborne and appears against ovoid drapery, is contrasted with earthbound Adam, lying on a stable triangle of barren ground (Adam's name comes from a Hebrew word meaning "earth").

The inspiration for Michelangelo's treatment of the subject may come from a medieval hymn called Veni, Creator Spiritus, which asks the 'finger of the paternal right hand' (digitus paternae dexterae) to give the faithful speech, love and strength. [1]

Adam's index finger, the most famous in Western art alongside God's, is in fact not the work of Michelangelo. It was damaged beyond repair by a crack that appeared in the ceiling in the mid-16th century and was repainted by a papal restorer.

Anatomical theories

Several hypotheses have been put forward about the meaning of The Creation of Adam's highly original composition, many of them taking Michelangelo's well-documented expertise in human anatomy as their starting point. In 1990 a physician named Frank Lynn Meshberger noted in the medical publication the Journal of the American Medical Association that the background figures and shapes portrayed behind the figure of God appeared to be an anatomically accurate picture of the human brain, including the frontal lobe, optic chiasm, brain stem, pituitary gland, and the major sulci of the cerebrum. Alternatively, it has been observed that the red cloth around God has the shape of a human uterus (one art historian has called it a "uterine mantle"), and that the scarf hanging out, coloured green, could be the just cut umbilical cord.
參考: Meshberger, Frank Lynn. "An Interpretation of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam Based on Neuroanatomy", JAMA. 1990 Oct 10; 264(14):1837-41.

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