有英文難題.. 希望大家幫幫手

2006-11-18 6:05 am

所有僱主, 無論是從事什麼行業, 都應該培養職員的有良好服務態度和儀態, 最好叫他們鍛鍊好英文的水平, 這樣才能給予遊客好印象, 令他們在hk玩得開心.

政府應舉辦多些文化活動吸引不同興趣的遊客來hk. 藉此更可以增添香港對文藝活動的風氣, 改變hk的印象, 令遊客對hk感到新鮮.

如果hk達到以上的標準, 相信可以改變hk的發展, 使hk的經濟更繁榮

回答 (2)

2006-11-18 9:20 am
All employers in different industries should provide proper training for employees to improve their attitude and behavior in offering good service. The most important achievement is to raise the English communication skill among the entire organization and which would impress our tourists and make them enjoy the visit in HK.

SAR Government should carry out more enticing cultural activities for tourists with various interests as well as to boost up the mood of HK people in participating these activities and turn HK to a new page of giving refreshing experience to our tourists.

If the day has come, HK would be believed in alternative development and steady economic growth.
2006-11-18 7:20 am
All the employers in different industries should give their employees various kinds of job training such as providing quality service i.e. their attutides and manners. And most important of all, providing buesiness English course could help them express themselves better so that could give good impressions to tourists, and if they find help and guidance much easier, for sure, they will find their trip much more enjoyable.

Also, Hong Kong government should held different cultural campaign in order to attract different kinds of tourists to hk, and from that, they can feel the culture of hk and make them change their impression of hk. If they can provide different themes' exhibitions, i believe it would bring a totally refreshing feeling to the tourists.

I believe if every one of us are friendly and helpful , and at the same time, there are diverse choice of functions, we would have more visitors to come to hk and boost up our economy

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