Do you think we shold have a one-hour P.E. lesson every day?

2006-11-18 5:03 am
Do you think we shold have a one-hour P.E. lesson every day? Please give me reasons?
Write as long as you could!

回答 (2)

2006-11-18 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think so.
One-hour P.E. lesson everyday will spend us many studying time.
We cannot just focus on PE lesson,
We should have Chinese,English or Mathematics etc. lesson too.
May be you can have your 1 hour P.E. lesson after school.
So I think we just have a lesson in one day of one cycle is enough.

P.S."Do you think we 'shold' have a one-hour P.E. lesson every day?"
It is 'should', not 'shold'.
參考: My opinion
2006-11-18 11:52 am
i think we should have half an hour P.E lesson every morning..
because it helps to activate our brain and therefore it's better for studying in lessons.

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