keroro 漫畫

2006-11-18 4:48 am
Can you tell me the book no. and the story no. in Keroro Comic
which talks about Koyuki and Dororo met (TV Ep98 the2nd part)
Tell me as fast as possible, thx.

zsedd03, 請不要騙分, 多謝合作...


Thx, a13579u. It will be very nice if somebody and tell me the website where I can see this comic... Thx!

回答 (3)

2006-11-18 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
漫畫第11集 第八十五話 "東谷小雪&Dororo外傳!"

2006-11-17 21:51:45 補充:以上的是線上漫畫的網站。我已試過,沒有問題的說
參考: 漫畫第11集
2006-11-19 12:58 am
Comic No.11
No.85 東谷小雪 and Dororo外傳!
參考: 自己睇過!!!~~
2006-11-18 5:02 am
Gororo , Keroro , Teroro ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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