Form one Maths....唔該help下我......

2006-11-18 4:42 am
Solve problems by using simple equations...(即係有x果d equations...)

Question: In a supermarket, the price of an apple is $2.5, and an orange is $3. Alan got $2 left afer buying some apples. However, he would need $2 more if he wanted to buy the same number of oranges. Find the number of apples he bought.

唔該列d steps俾我吖.....我唔識做....好煩惱.....thanks..!!! =]

回答 (4)

2006-11-18 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let a be the number of apples he bought

2.5a+2 = 3a-2

4 = 0.5a

a = 8

therefore, he bought 8 apples.

首先,佢話佢買咗a個值$2.5既apples後,剩咗$2 ;然後,佢買相同數目(a個)既oranges,而每個orange值$3,但係佢要多$2先買到a個。
所以,「2.5a+2」就係用apples去計佢既錢,而「3a-2」就係用oranges 去計佢既錢,因此佢地加上=就係條式啦!!!
參考: me
2006-11-18 4:20 pm
Let a be the number of apples he bought

2.5a+2 = 3a-2

4 = 0.5a

a = 8

therefore, he bought 8 apples.
2006-11-18 4:57 am
A x 2.5 + 2 = M
(M + 2) = A x 3
M = 3A -2
2.5A + 2 = 3A - 2
4 = 0.5A
A = 8
A = no. of apple = 8
M = my money HK$22
After buying 8 apples, HK$2 left
If I ewant to buy 8 oranges, HK$24 is needed, so I need HK$2 in additional to the original money HK$22
2006-11-18 4:48 am
let the amount of apple Alan bought is x
and the money Alan originally got is y

For apples we have the equation: y-2.5x=2==>y=2.5x+2
For oranges we have the equation y-3x=0===>y=3x

combine the two equation
Therefore the amount of apple Alan bought is 4

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