can you find any mistake???

2006-11-18 3:36 am
So this book is including some story.I like the story which is including in this book is SHOOT-OUT.It is written by Paul Stewart.

回答 (7)

2006-11-18 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
寫得好英文, 我覺得是可以少句子表達. 這段文字, 其實只有3個重點, 可以用一句句子完成.

So 本身可以做句子開始, 但絶不可以完成一句句子, 因這只是subordinate clause而已.

我會提議 " This book consists of some stories and my favourite one is Shoot-Out which is written by Paul Stewart. "

真係story先好, story係小了朋友睇個d, 大人看的, 用novel吧.

include 好似唔係咁妥當.
參考: 自己
2006-11-18 7:19 pm
This book collects lots of stories from different writers. One of my favourite stories from this book is called "SHOOT-OUT." It is written by Paul Steward.
2006-11-18 3:43 am
You shoud write it in this way: This book includes some stories.My favourite story is SHOOT-OUT,written by Paul Steward.(There are other answers)
2006-11-18 3:40 am
So this book is including some stories.I like the story which names 'SHOOT-OUT'.It is written by Paul Stewart.

2006-11-17 19:42:29 補充:
it is '' So this book is including some stories.I like the story which names SHOOT-OUT.It is written by Paul Stewart.
2006-11-18 3:40 am
so this book included some stories. i like the story which is being included in this book is SHOOT-OUT. it was written by Paul Stewart.
參考: myself:}
2006-11-18 3:40 am
So this book includes some stories. My favourite story in this book is SHOOT-OUT. IT is written by Paul Stewart.
2006-11-18 3:39 am
This book includes more than one story. My favorite story is SHOOT-OUT, by Paul Stewart.

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