
2006-11-18 3:02 am
我打完gym2 去到下一個市..咩人都打曬(also上埋船打)..但係我咩都攞唔到(單車..砍樹..閃光..船上各道具..)...打唔到落去>3<....有人可以教教我嗎???

and 有冇人可以post 各..道具..技..ge中文or英文出嚟ar..??

回答 (3)

2006-11-18 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can watch this :http://www.hkpnve.net/pm_rg/red_story.htm
參考: me
2006-11-21 5:18 am
You can get "tree chop" on the ship-boss' room!

2006-11-29 09:16:17 補充:
Maybe your tape has some troble so it dosen't work
參考: own
2006-11-18 3:05 am
hey what is gym2?

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