Quotes 的翻譯

2006-11-18 12:51 am
come across to me today
not hundred percent sure what they mean, any help?

Bill Watterson (should be quotes from calvin n hobbes)
- If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.
- Mothers are the necessity of invention.
- There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do.

回答 (5)

2006-11-18 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
我很喜歡這漫畫, 幸好這幾句我都有個模糊的印象是出自那一期漫畫的...

1. If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.

----> 如果你的膝蓋經過一整天後都沒有變綠的話, 你需要認真的反省你的生活。

Calvin在戶外盡興地玩了一整天後, 發現身上都是雜草, 膝蓋也染上了草汁變成綠色.....後來人們用這句來表示人生要活得自在快樂, 快樂從一件很簡單的事就能體會到。

2. Mothers are the necessity of invention.

----> 母親是創作的必需品。

母親大叫「是誰把廚房弄得亂七八糟?」Calvin說是一個突然出現在廚房的金星人做的, 而且還詳述金星人的厲害武器, 最後Calvin小聲對讀者說「母親是創作的必需品」, 意指如果不是母親的話他還想不出這麼厲害的故事呢!

**這句是從英文諺語Necessity is the mother of invention(需求是發明/創作之母)改編過來的, Calvin and Hobbes中充滿這種play with words的punchlines, 有時知道背後原文更能會心微笑~~~

3. There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do

----> 沒有足夠時間去做所有我們想做的無聊的事。

To do nothing本來有甚麼都不做,無所事事的意思,
在這nothing變成那些沒甚麼重要的事(起碼不是功課、工作等「大」事), 例如Calvin常做的發呆、幻想....
這句大受歡迎是因為和大家的生活產生共鳴, 大家都試過想無所事事地渡過一天, 卻忙得連小小的時間空間都留不到給自己.....

2006-11-18 02:00:34 補充:
和第三句相似的「名言」Calvin還有一句, Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless我十分同意~~~~
2006-12-11 4:19 am
Good. The only person who knows what those quotes meant (instead of making wild guesses).
2006-11-19 10:04 pm
very good.
2006-11-18 2:35 am
Mothers are the necessity of invention = 失败乃成功之母 (I saw this translation in yesterday's "Nip Tuck")
2006-11-18 1:16 am
come across to me today:
可以算是 灵机一动...

e.g. One idea that has come across to me today is what steps we should take to avoid going into heavier debts. = 我今天突然有个想法... 就是怎么样避免欠下更重的债.

There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do.

不够时间来让我们完全呆呆的, 不做东西...

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