文法正確? do you know what my meaning?

2006-11-17 11:49 pm
After the application, we will be through email to deliver aware of things in the camp and simply introduce what activity will be held and how beautiful is the place. We open a forum in our web-site and hope them know early others and talk about the program, especially war games, increasing their confident to other participants and understanding so as to XX better during the activities, specially war games.
If we Change pervious details, we will send new information by email.

回答 (4)

2006-11-18 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

After the application, we will deliver the information about this camp via email. Then we will briefly introduce the activities and the beauty of the campsite. At the same time, a forum will be opened in our web-site so as to let them know each other as early as possible and raise their ideas for the program, especially for the war game. We expect it will increase the participant’s mutual confidence and mutual understanding, hence we can arrange the activities better. If there is any change, we will notify you through email.
2006-11-28 2:16 am
English expert!!
2006-11-18 7:44 pm
After your submission of the application, we will email you the camping information such as scheduled activities/events, campsite information,etc. We will open a forum in our website allowing the participants to get familiar to each other in advance. You can talk about the program especially the war games. It will increase your confidence and understanding to each other. As a result, you will be more cooperative with each other and will establish team work during the activities especially the war games. If there are any changes, we will notify you by email.
2006-11-18 12:35 am
I understand the approximate meaning but they are all Chinese English with lots of grammatical mistakes.

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