緊急、求救 有關斷絕母子關係是否有法律效力

2006-11-17 10:03 pm


回答 (2)

2006-11-17 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
任何方式去取消母子關係都是無法律効用﹐另外你亦不能要求銀行及財務公司向兒子批出貸款﹐因你沒有任何法律權力作出此要求。 但即使如此﹐銀行也不能向非借貸人作出追數行動(除非她是擔保人)﹐現今社會跟本沒有子債父還/母還這理據﹐較積極之做法是通知銀行及財務公司某地址沒有此人居住及要求停止向上址滋擾﹐如果情況持續不改﹐你可向警方報案及同時向銀監處投訴。

2006-11-17 10:29 pm
I do not think關斷絕母子關係 have any 法律效力(no 法律效力), however if you never guarantee for your son to 申請貸款 and your son is older than 18 year's old , legally they cannot 收數 from you(索取任何有關兒子在外一齊債務). You不用負起兒子在外的所有債務. Also you cannot 禁止他在外向財務公司借取貸款。If your son use your ID card and address to 借取貸款, then you can call police to arrest your son.

This is what you should do now.

1)When 收數公司 call your home or come to your door politely.

You just ask for thier (收數公司) name and contact and their company name what 財務公司銀行 they are representing, if they have file number or anything ask them to give you as well, and then telll 收數公司 or bank or the person your son have not lived at this address for 3 years and have disappear for three years. Also you have lost contact with.

If the same organisation(財務公司銀行收數公司) come or phone again, call police immediately and 財務公司銀行收數公司 騷擾 you. Police will come and sort things out.

1)When 收數公司 call your home or come to your door threating you.
You call police immediately and police 收數公司 THREATING you and you are very AFRAID. Police will get CID to arrest the people who threaten you. Try to give police as much detail as you can to help you find the bad guys.

Anyway please change your phone number or move to other place to live somewhere else.

2006-11-17 14:33:04 補充:

2006-11-17 14:34:28 補充:

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