
2006-11-17 8:43 pm
我用的網球拍是Wilson H4, 248 gram, 最近,球技有點進步,能拉到有點威脅的上旋,球友都說我應該換一隻重一點的球拍,約260 gram好一點,否則,不能再有進步,但我支球拍只用了兩年,仍然很新,不捨得換,有人能提意見給我嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-11-18 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案



還要用full swing,

2006-11-19 5:50 am
Wilson H1,H2 H4 are light and head heavy rackets. They are quite stable and very easy to play with. A senior coach Tong has lent me one H2 to try. i can keep the ball in play even when totally out of position at net.

Using heavier rackets like those Federer's, Roddick's, Nadal's looking doesn't mean u will become better player.
Many old coaches using those light, big area rackets can beat up a youth using the most serious and heavy racket.

But there is a Good reason to use a heavier racket...
to protect your arms and joints by increasing the stability of the racket during ball impact. and that applies very well to all those H1,H2, H4 rackets.

For those head heavy rackets, Don't add wt. to 3/9/12 (tip) o'clcok positions, because it'd make it even more head heavy and increase injury risk. Instead one easy way to improve these rackets (in my opinion) is to add weight under the grip, as close to the butt as possible.
adding 10-20 gm there doesn't make too much differenece. U may find it harder to move around, prepare and accelerate the racket. (as i said, it won't improve your game) but as u get more used to it by increasing your strength, it should feel much the same as before except that it feels much more stable on off centre hit, maybe less vibration etc... making it a more comfortable and arm friendly racket.

Buying and handling lead tape is a trouble esp when it is poisonous, my short cut is to stick a QEII ($1,2,5) to the butt of the racket. with silicon gel. very easy step. if u don't like the result, want to add more or less wt, just pull it out and try again !

EASY. clean and Cost effective !
2006-11-18 10:18 am
You can add lead tape on your current racquet. Your local tennis or golf stores should carry lead tape. See Learning Center at www.tenniswarehouse.com for customizing a racquet. I hide lead tape at 3 and 9 o' clock on the frame's outside under head tape; it is easier and provides more stability than placeing lead inside the frame.

Reminder: Lead is poisonous; do not digest; wash you hand after touching it.

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