特急英文問題 ~~煩幫忙翻譯 ~~

2006-11-17 6:19 pm
煩請代譯英文 ~~

昨日我司船務部與貴司船務部電話聯絡中知悉現在所以新單不接受在寧波走散貨 ~~需全數送到香港指定倉交貨 ~~但請知悉由於今季貨量不多不足以走一隻櫃~~但如果運散貨到香港的運費會相當昂貴~~ 依我司所報的價錢是不包此運費 ~~如要我司將貨品運到香港走貨的話我司之前所報的單價將會有所改變 ~~煩請回覆

回答 (5)

2006-11-20 3:05 am
Per the conversation yesterday between your company's shipping department and mine, I realized that your company no longer accepts shipments in Ning Bo for all new orders, and all shipments should be delivered to a specific warehouse in Hong Kong. Due to the low number of orders for this season, we are unable to fill up one container for shipping. We could deliver the goods to Hong Kong through regular shipping; however, the cost would increase significantly, and the price we quoted your company earlier does not include this extra shipping charge. If this is the shipping method that your company prefers, we'll have to modify the price on the invoice. Sorry for the inconvenience, and looking forward to your reply soon.
2006-11-17 8:09 pm
嘿, Puipui, 你說: 嘩! 上面有個答案簡直嚇親人... 怎只是有個, 最少也有兩個呢! Maggie, 你看, 若你真的用那些所謂英文, 那就笑死人無葯醫了. 既然是業務上的書信來往, 何不專業一點? 找些有關的書如書務及英文信寫法的來看看吧!

若大家都是中國人, 看明你寫的是什麼, 最好還是用中文好了, 不要因誤會而有所損失, 如費用承擔方面要清楚.

如你用電郵寫, 你可以如下寫法:

ReTheTelCon between your shipping dept. with our shipping dept., understand that no new orders will be accepted for CFS cargo from Ningbo from now on. All to be shipping to designated warehouse.
Observed that there are insufficient of goods to be shipped under a 20 ft container in this year. It would be very expensive to ship CFS cargo to Hongkong.

Since the price we quoted to your company is for CFS cargo shipment directly from Ningbo. Therefore, the previous quoted price will be invalid if you want us to ship your CFS cargo from HK directly.

Please reply at your earliest convience so that we can quote a new freight price to your company.

Thanks/Best Regards,

2006-11-17 12:12:17 補充:
第一句的 shipping dept. 之後應該加上 yesterday, 全句應為:ReTheTelCon between your shipping dept. with our shipping dept. yesterday, ..................

2006-11-17 12:22:23 補充:
貴司船務部怎會變了 Expensive Department Shipping Department???唉, 平(便宜)的相反是貴, 因 expensive 也是貴的意思吧, 司也可以解作 department, 所以便變成了那不知所謂的部門 Expensive Dept. 吧! 真的要寫個服字了.

2006-12-30 20:56:52 補充:
既然都有自知之明知道自己亦都不知所謂, 那為何卻又攻擊別人不知所謂? 自己第一句(由開始到句號)是什麼英文的文法? Stepping on the others won't let you stand out of the crowd!!
2006-11-17 6:52 pm
嘩! 上面有個答案簡直嚇親人... 我都係盡量幫幫忙... 可能有d意思唔同左. 有唔明就問我啦!

Per the conversation yesterday between your company's shipping department and mine, I realized that your company no longer accepts shipments in Ning Bo for all new orders, and all shipments should be delivered to a specific warehouse in Hong Kong. Due to the low number of orders for this season, we are unable to fill up one container for shipping. We could deliver the goods to Hong Kong through regular shipping; however, the cost would increase significantly, and the price we quoted your company earlier does not include this extra shipping charge. If this is the shipping method that your company prefers, we'll have to modify the price on the invoice. Sorry for the inconvenience, and looking forward to your reply soon.

2006-11-17 15:35:27 補充:
anson: 我都唔知仲有多個一樣咁嚇親人既答案攝左我前面. 我諗佢地係用果d translate tools. 照字譯字...真係好攪笑.maggie: 其實我都有d字未必翻譯得準確, 不過我或anson寫果段野都無問題. 最緊要係講清楚之前報既價錢唔再ok, 因為運費貴左. 你可以話 The previous quotes is no longer valid. 又或者 We can no longer honor the previous quotes as the shipping cost has increased.希望幫到你... :)
2006-11-17 6:46 pm
Yesterday I take charge of the shipping department to learn about the present with the expensive department shipping department telephone contact in but therefore only did not accept newly in Ningbo walks bulk cargo ~~ to need the total to deliver Hong Kong to assign the warehouse to deliver ~~ please to learn about before but because now Ji Huoliang is insufficient cabinet ~~ not much if transported the bulk cargo to be able quite expensive ~~ the price which took charge of according to me reports not to wrap this transport expense ~~ to Hong Kong's transport expense like to want me to take charge of transports the goods the unit price which will transport goods to Hong Kong I takes charge of reports to be able to have the change
2006-11-17 6:30 pm
As per conversation with your shipping department that, we cannot accept loose cargo transport the goods to Ningbo. We only accept deliver to your assign warehouse. Please understand the your booking quality cannot meet 1 of container, and also the cost of loose cargo is very expensive. Our quotation is not including the freight charges. If you request the term C&F to Ningbo, we need to revise the quotation for you. Please confirm by return.
參考: me

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