請問入邊間油站D油最好 ?

2006-11-17 9:03 am
Shell ? Caltex ? or Esso ?
V-Power ?? 白金 ?? 定 F-1 ??
有無話邊隻油有力D ?
有無話邊種油對engine好D ??
唔該晒 ~~

回答 (6)

2006-11-17 12:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
燃油好爆d, 或多或少會令部車好力d, 如果無關既話, 點解要分類?! 就以shell為例, 你試下入一試普通無鉛同入一次v-power走一轉, 我肯定係有分別!! 不過, 入相同容積既普通無鉛同v-power, v-power會行得少d里數, 但而家shell呢隻所謂「慳油配方」既普通無鉛汽油, 明顯係冇咁好力, 不過感覺上「滑」左好多, 行車里數亦多左, 點解我會知? 因為舊年shell慳油比賽試過囉~!

至於呢種配分點解有咁既效果, 就要問shell....!!

其實caltex既油so far so good, 不過換左車之後就冇入過, 但只係個人問題, 因為呢部車不嬲入開shell, 同埋屋企附企既caltex油站我入唔到, 因為會刮底......
2006-11-17 11:59 pm
shell , caltex 及 中石化最好 ,because 同一個油庫 , 品質最好

shell超勁,最高效率, 又好爆
v - power 其實力水同超勁差不多 但v - power 油價貴, 部份油站 v - power 品質比不上超勁.

其實油站, 多數是由新加坡油輪運來香港, 不是shell 就代表英國shell 的出品, caltex 就代表美國出品.中國石化用的也是新加坡油, 不是大陸油.
只是經不同分銷商出售,掛上油公司名牌名稱 , 一門生意 就係咁簡單.

事實上 esso , 華潤都是唔夠力的 , 雖然華潤都說是由新加坡入口
參考: i work in gas station before , i driver mercedes tried most of gas in hk
2006-11-17 8:03 pm
I am using Shell, and I like it.
2006-11-17 7:16 pm
2006-11-17 5:47 pm
Shell > Caltex > CRC > Esso > China Oil

But depend on the car. Some of the car may not feel the different (Come of Euro Brand).

However, My car can feel the different.. The turbo meter can tells me the answer because I have tried once Esso Super and my turbo meter shows me that the turbo can only up to 0.5 bar(normally 0.9) and stop. It means there are some incomplete combustion so the computer set to protection mode. Other brand have no such problem.
參考: Subaru Impreza WRX Driver
2006-11-17 9:08 am
梗係入Shell la. 質素保証實唔傷車,



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