my 5 months old puppy just dropped 3 teeth today, is it normal and what i should do?

2006-11-16 2:59 pm
i also want to know whether will they feel pain and how should i help them to feel better, or just let it be?

回答 (16)

2006-11-16 3:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's normal, he's losing his baby teeth so the adult ones can come in.

Give him something to chew. Some people recommend a washcloth soaked in water and frozen to soothe the sore gums.
2016-11-14 5:10 pm
Puppy Teeth
2016-03-19 9:10 pm
It would help to know what breed or breeds this puppy is. What are you feeding the puppy? If you are using dry dog food for training treats you won't get far. Ham is too fatty and can cause pancreatitis, so don't feed your dog fatty meats. Yes, you should put the food down for a period of time say 10 minutes and then pick it up until next feeding time. With puppies you should be feeding several times per day, and when they are adult twice per day. I'm sure that the biting is puppy behaviour, if the puppy puts teeth on you, yelp and stop all playing and ignore her. This will teach her that it's no fun for her to get teeth on you as you don't like it and won't play. If she is just mouthing you, then get a toy and put in her mouth instead every time. If you let her get away with it even once it reinforces the behavour and she won't learn to stop it. Good luck with your puppy.
2014-12-02 8:38 pm
Honestly, an untrained dog can be a real pain - a risk to himself, his owner and to other people and animals. Owning an undisciplined dog may result to:
- Destruction to your home
- Social isolation
- Accidents
- Injuries
- Legal claims against you
- Stress to all concerned
- The dog being unwanted

Canines that always get their own way will believe that life revolves around them and for that reason they must be important. Since dogs are looking for controlling different resources than humans, their bid for power usually goes undetected until it’s too late. Obedience and house training your dog and ensuring he’s not raised to a top position inside the home will keep your relationship with him well-balanced in your favor, as it must be for satisfaction all round.

If you want a free copy of my dog training ebook "how to housetrain any dog" just send me an email at [email protected]

I'll send you immediately the ebook (100% free) and some tips on how to live better with your dog.
2006-11-16 10:35 pm
it is normal at this age. puppies start losing teeth around 5-6months. as for feeling pain, i really dont know about that. I recommend just letting it be and giving the puppy lots of stuff to chew on, may help with pain or discomfort if there is any. No need to worry so enjoy your puppy.
參考: 2 dogs, both raised from a puppy
2006-11-16 4:00 pm
Most puppies eat the teeth when the fall out. You just happened to see them. It is totally normal and Ice cubes are a good idea. Wrap some in a towel and have a tug of war. Fun and refreshing.
2006-11-16 3:48 pm
It's normal. You might give him/her an ice cube to chew on.
2006-11-16 3:23 pm
Yes this is normal they are just like babies they loose their teeth too.
2006-11-16 3:07 pm
Let it be and give him chew toys. I have found a lot of puppies like the knot in the ropes when they are teething.
2006-11-16 3:06 pm
Nothing for you to do except to watch out for the nibbles that come with a teething puppy, as the teeth coming out will be the choppers! This is perfectly normal. Most pups just swallow their little "milk" baby teeth because they are so very small, so you are probably not used to knowing about it, as often we find out after the fact and the new ones are already starting to sprout. The pup is not in any pain, so don't worry. He may want to chew a bit more because of gentle "itching" or simply a knowledge of something different in his mouth. Don't worry about a thing. He may eat a little differently for a short time, but also, it is not a concern, just normal for a pup. So just relax. Soon, there will be this cute little pup, with a gaping big white grin made of permanent teeth that will seem a little too big for him until he grows into them! Have fun with the pup.
2006-11-16 3:05 pm
Yes it's normal for puppies to loose teeth. It's just like us loosing our baby teeth and getting adult teeth in. They can feel pain and it can bother them quite a bit when they teeth. The best thing I found for teething pup's is a wet wash cloth(or rag) put into the freezer until it's frozen and then offered to the puppy. You may want to do 2 of them so 1 is always ready to go. You may find him chewing more then before, he's trying to get those teeth to come down. So offer lots of chewy toys and rawhide as well to avoid unwanted chewing. Good luck!
2006-11-16 3:05 pm
It is absolutely normal for them to loose their puppy teeth at that age. Just try to keep track of the loses and keep them out of the carpet. Stepping on a sharp puppy tooth can really hurt! If you notice he is whimpering while chewing on a bone or eating, you may want to find the lose tooth and help him ease it out. Dogs generally enjoy ice and it can help numb and cauterize any hole left by the lost tooth. (I hope that makes sense to you!)
2006-11-16 3:05 pm
most of the time a dog will eat the teeth. it's ok he our she will be fine.
2006-11-16 3:04 pm
Your puppy is losing deciduous teeth(baby teeth). They don't even know that they are coming out. A lot of times the animals eat them because the fall out when they are having a meal. No need to be alarmed. It is not painful to them. You dog will have all of his or her adult teeth by 6 months.
2006-11-16 3:04 pm
your puppy is losing it's baby teeth. There is no need to worry.
2006-11-16 3:03 pm
Yes it is normal for your dog to drop teeth IF it is a puppy. I'm not sure if they feel the pain or not, but if it keeps happening then take him to the vet. Its the only professional that can help.
2006-11-16 3:02 pm
it's fine for them to loose teeth..their like little kids..they loose thier baby teeth..its all normal..Mine never acted like they even know the teeth were gone.

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