
2006-11-17 5:09 am


help help 我!! thx"


回答 (3)

2006-11-17 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
sales: Hello~Welcome! May I help you,sir?
customer: Yes. I am looking for a coat for my brother's birthday gift.
sales: What colour of the coat?
customer:....I think blue or black.bacause he likes these colours.
sales takes one of it: How about this one?This is new arrival and our hot item!
customer:um...but I want more details of the coat.This one is too simple!
sales:Let's this one! This one has 3 colours.Blue,red and black! It keeps warm and soft!The cutting of the coat is so good and more details.
customer:Oh~ I like this one!!Can I try it on?My brother as tall as me!
sales:Sure!! Let go to the fitting room~sir!
customer: good!!! I like it so much! But I think it is too expensive.Can you give me discount?
sales: um.sorry..Maybe I ask for my supervisor. Please wait a minutes!
sales: Sir! We just can give you more 20% off.
customer: Oh! Thanks. I take it!
sales: Which colour and size do you want?
customer: black and the large one please!
sales: Ok! please wait a moment! I'll go to take the new one to you!
customer: ok!
sales:Here you are! You can check the coat before you pay.
customer: It's ok!
sales:Thanks for $380!!!
customer:Can I pay for credit card?
sales: sure!!!please sign on the space of "X"!
Thank you very much!!!Have a nice day! Sir!
customer:Thank you!!

可能會有d 錯同埋可能短左d~~ 希望幫到你!
2006-11-17 5:38 am
售貨員:wht clothing so u want to buy
cusumer: i want to buy a cheapest and pretty clothing
售貨員: this one is the chespest clothing, just 1 cent. It is pretty much cheap
cusumer: noway, i don'[t want this, this is very olf fashionalble
售貨員: let try another, this one is the newest and many people wear
cusumer: this is very stupid
售貨員: ok, ok, ok let try another one, this a very nice, and i think this is sutable for u
cusumer: of course.............. no!!!!!!!
售貨員: So what do you want to buy!!!!!!!!!!!
cusumer: the clothing of ur shop is very stupid, i think i need to go la BYE BYE!
售貨員: this is the last clothing, for u
cusumer: that is a clothing i want how much is it?
售貨員: 400000000$
cusumer: can u make it cheaper?
售貨員: do u want fo free!!!!!!!1
cusumer: ok
2006-11-17 5:38 am
Sale : S Customer: C
S: What can I help me, sir/ madam?
C: I would like to buy a clothes for me.
S: What brand and color do you like?
C: I would like to take Addidas and white color.
S: What is this for?
C: I will wear it for doing exercises.
S: Well, eh..., I think this might fit you.
C: I will try...
C: May I have a blue one instead? It looks awkward for me...
S: Sure... Here it is.
C: Thank you.
C: EMmm... I will take this one. How much it this?
S: It costs $388, ah! We are offering a discount to you and it will costs 300 dollars only.
C: It is still expensive to me, may I have it with $250?
S: It is difficult... maybe, we can deal at $280 then...
C: Okay... DEAL!
S: Thank you very much! See you!
C: okay, 88..
參考: me

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