8th grade aural 救命!!!!!

2006-11-17 4:10 am
Part A cadence 咩perfect, plagal, 係邊個chord 同最後邊個比較. 4個chord個度, 我老師成日話要講number, 例如do=1. 但係無端端又加個1b 2c. 完全唔明. 跟住part C modulation 更加係一頭霧水, 究竟係邊個chord同邊個chord 比較呢? 同埋點分. 希望各位曬少少時間畀個回復啦, 我下個禮拜考啦!

回答 (1)

2006-11-17 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
A perfect end sounds very natural and bright.
A plagal sounds bright too, but not very natural, the note sounds flying to nowhere.
Imperfect candence sounds still going on.
Interrupted sounds like being interrupted suddenly.

do me so = 1 chord. When the lowest note of the chord is do, we call it 1a, me =1b and so=1c.
The other chords are the same. such as rei fa la.
PS. As you hear 2 chords' base are the same, G, that's 1c to 5.
PS. When you hear the chord with G as the base sounds ... crashed, that's 5^7 chord.

modulation ma ...
just listen to the first and the last chords' bases. Find their distance.

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