
2006-11-17 3:11 am
關於一d年齡差距好大既情侶or夫妻(起碼差10年or above)既例子

回答 (9)

2006-11-17 3:38 am
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我ex bf 大我廿年,其實最大問題係年齡差距上帶來的代溝的問題,因為大家的生長環境唔同,舊一代,他們會比較嚴厲d,但我就free 好多,有時講一些粗俗少少的說話會唔鐘意,會發好大脾氣,
衣著上,他會成日限制多多,唔俾我着板衫,或者比較鬆身大年over 那d,背心都唔得,要加多件衫先得,總之露多少少就唔可以,對住他就當然例外la~最好唔着tim
打電話多d ,他就話煩阻住做野,cheak 他,但唔打就話唔緊他,又會問係咪有第二個,變得好多疑,就會打好多電話或者sms,我話駛唔駛咁多ar ?他就會訓話,
如果你們唔care 就要好好溝通,因為年齡差距大會太多有誤會,

2006-11-24 19:52:59 補充:
參考: 自己
2006-11-21 1:14 am
2006-11-17 9:31 pm
boss and secretary, doctor and nurse

I have been with two of my teachers who were both a lot older than me.

And also, when you go out to work, you will have contacts with colleagues, clients, business associates who may also be 10 years older than you.

In fact, normally if a man is 10 years older than the woman, they can look like around the same age.

If say more than 20 years, then he or she may look like your mum or dad. They might even think you are after their money.

The difficult part with one of them was that he wouldn't want our relationship to be known to others. And you may hesitate to take him with you to your friends' gatherings as you would afraid that he and your friends may not mix well.

Your definitely don't want to go to his friends' gatherings as that mean you, a young girl, will be around a number of middle-aged men.

Apart from those mentioned above, everything was good. No such thing as generation gap as people's way of thinking can be just as young or as old as yourself. The sex was particularly good. I also learned a lot about the world, about life, about love, and about myself from the experience. Not that you expect them to teach you anything. But since they are older, they are better at expressing themselves, having deeper thoughts, more exciting stories to tell, more open-minded and more willing to share their views and their experience with you.

With a guy older, you will feel like you can also be a little girl

He will feel that he becomes young once again. Good for both parties.

When you can be at equal footings with him or he treats you as a mature woman, you will feel respected and proud and think that you are smarter and more mature, more experience than other people the same age as you are.

To conclude, excellent! you will find your puppy love or so-called boyfriend at school insignificant and not even amount to a real relationship
2006-11-17 6:27 pm
我同我男友相差 11 年,如果以年齡來說冇帶來任何麻煩。重點係二人的性格、價值觀是否合得來。如果這兩方面唔夾,就算冇年齡上的差距亦無法一起生活。
參考: 經驗
2006-11-17 3:39 am
2006-11-17 3:27 am

customer與sales關係, 男追女

如果男大過女問題唔大的, 相處時男的會特別愛護女的, 因為男人覺得你係細路女,當女咁錫

女的會怕男的太早死, 又怕佢年紀大了要自己去照顧, 又怕俾d朋友話自己男朋友"老".......
一旦大家心中顧慮多, 相處自然有磨擦和不信任, 要時間去prove大家的誠意
2006-11-17 3:27 am
參考: 我覺得
2006-11-17 3:19 am
2006-11-17 3:18 am
well.....my classmates parents are an example. My classmates mother is elder then her father. they knew each other when they were working at a company. her grandpa and grandmother not accpet the wife is elder then their son but at last they were married and born my friend,so her grandmother and grandpa accpetd them.

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